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Day 2 - Entry 1 Kapok Tree

We walked into the forest together. It was wonderful being in the forest in the daytime! When we looked up, we saw plants and trees everywhere.
Phil and Mariana in Rainforest
Kapok Tree
We saw a tree with a very wide trunk. It is a Kapok tree. Its trunk can be 10 feet wide. It can grow to almost 200 feet, which is as big as a fifteen-story building. It is a giant in the rainforest! 
Phil told Mariana that the big tree is at the heart of a food chain. The tree makes its own food. Insects eat its leaves and bark. An iguana feasts on all those tasty insects, But wait – a snake glides by and eats the iguana. And then a big bird dives down, grabs the snake, and carries it away to eat.
“All that can happen in one tree - and there are so many trees here!” said Mariana. 
“You bet,” said Phil, “The rainforest is a busy place.”

Phil and Mariana at Kapok Tree
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