Resources for Bringing the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) to Life in Your Classroom

Second-grade student observing and experimenting with different types of soils, their consistency, and water content. 
According to the National Research Council, “students cannot fully understand scientific and engineering ideas without engaging in the practices of inquiry and the discourses by which such ideas are developed and refined.” Below are resources to peruse for ideas on how to help your K-5 students use and learn SEPs.

A handy matrix of the eight SEPs includes detailed descriptions of what the practices look like in classroom activities may be found here.  

Community Resources for Science has compiled a list of resources for helping teachers understand all eight SEPs.

The National Science Teachers Association offers more than 600 NSTA-vetted lesson plans that include ideas for modifying them to support the NGSS, including SEPs.  

Next Gen Science Exemplar System (NGSX) offers web-based professional development centered around the NGSS. It’s also a good reference source for basic NGSS information and the SEPs.

In EdTechLens’s blog post, “Facilitating the Joy of Learning: Implementing the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)”, Professor Christina Schwarz discusses the benefits of implementing the practices and offers ideas for bringing them into your classroom. 

In “What We Call Misconceptions May Be Necessary Stepping Stones to Making Sense of the World”, Schwarz and her co-writers detail strategies for creating a classroom environment where learning can happen as a form of sense-making, an approach emphasized in the NGSS.

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